The White Stuff

I drove home last night in the snow. I live in Atlanta. Those two things should not go together, but last night they did.

I am not a fan of snow, so I suppose it is a good thing that I live in the south. Here are the reasons I do not like snow:

1) Snow makes people stupid. They forget how to drive cars. They forget how to work. Around here, they make a HUGE deal out of it.

2) Snow is wet. I do not like to be wet. My feet especially do not like to be wet.

3) Snow is cold. It requires you to wear a lot of clothes. And a big coat. Which makes it hard to move. I do not like to wear coats. I don't really like wearing clothes, come to think of it.

4) Snow is slippery. Who knew?!

5) Snow is tempting. The snow tempted Dave to throw snowballs at me. Please refer to reasons #2 and 3 for why this is a problem.

Reasons I like snow:

I documented this spectacle for posterity. Here's the footage of my neighborhood being besieged by snow:


bluesleepy said...

Heh. That said, however, people forget how to drive when it RAINS. I lived in Seattle, where it rains all the time, and each time it rained, people were like, "HOLY CRAP IT IS RAINING!" Ummm, DUH!

One thing I do love about snow -- when it's coming down thick, and you poke your head outside for a moment, and it falls so silently. Plus it mutes almost all sound, and sometimes it feels almost as though you're the last person in the world. Very beautiful and peaceful.

But yeah. Driving in it SUCKS.

Anonymous said...

(i got your link from my sister's page... bluesleepy)

you live in a cute neighborhood in ATL. lucky you. i also agree with you regarding your reasons for not liking snow.

then again, it can be quite peaceful and serene, too.