Ahhh, sleep...

Dave is sick. He has the same thing I had two weeks ago. So that sleep I'm supposed to be catching up on is. not. happening. I don't want to be a bad wife and insist we sleep separately while he is in agony, but I think I'm going to have to...at least for tonight. I am beginning to feel like a functional zombie and pretty soon I am going to want to kill someone if I don't get a good night sleep.

In other news, my new assistant is catching on quickly and I am ahead of schedule in terms of making the initial post-trade show contact with all of the people we met at the convention in Las Vegas. I am SO GLAD I was able to talk my boss into hiring a full-timer. It is exactly what this marketing department (can you call one person a department?) needed!

The only downfall is that the only managerial experience I have is limited to a shift manager at a shoe store and a high school English teacher. So I will be learning as I go. The plan is to teach her how to do everything I can do. I don't believe in compartmentalizing duties within a department. I am all for sharing the love, baby. I want her to know that I am perfectly willing and able to do the mundane stuff and that I'm not shoveling all that shit-work her way every time there is shit-work to do. Plus, if i train her to do everything, I won't feel so guilty when Dave and I finally figure out where we want to put down roots and he transfers.

Tonight I am supposed to have dinner with a friend I haven't seen in a while, so that should be fun, if I can will myself to be excited by these plans. I just have not been in the mood to socialize lately. I get the itch to make plans with friends and then when it comes time to implement said plans I just feel...blah. Maybe I need a pick me up along the lines of Xanax or Ativan. Or maybe I just need some sleep!


bluesleepy said...

That's awesome that you're sharing the grunt work with your assistant. I used to be an assistant, and I loved seeing that my superiors would do whatever needed to be done and not pull rank on me. I think you're going to be an excellent manager because you have a good attitude on it.

I sure hope you get some sleep, and that Dave gets better soon!!!

Unknown said...

I am just chiming in to say the same thing. I keep meaning to write down somewhere how important it would be when someday I'm a boss, to not Be A Boss. My dept. is also small and we simply have to all know how to do everything the others know how to do. Of course some have some specialized knowledge, but the day to day stuff -- absolutely. My boss has always been big on creating How To docs. And then she goes on maternity leave early and we find out she didnt write any How To's herself. Niiice.