A busy week at work

This has been the first full week back to work since the Christmas and New Years breaks and it has certainly been a busy one. I have caught up on most of my projects, though there are still a few here and there that I need to complete. That's what comes with being the only marketing person for three separate companies.

But not anymore.

As of today, we have made an offer to a young woman who is going to be my assistant. Yay! I plan on teaching her every aspect of my job so that she can help me with anything and everything that comes up around here. In addition to helping me, she will also provide administrative support for our sales force (something that has also fallen to me in the past). If everything goes according to plan, I will become preggers soon, so she will be here to assume my role once I give birth, or if that doesn't work out, D should be transferring to another facility in the next two years because we are DESPERATELY wanting to get out of Atlanta.

When I first got to work on Monday, I also found out that the only two people that are a nightmare to work with have both been let go...one of them happens to be the boss' son. This is such unexpected news that I actually celebrated (inside my head, of course) until the guilt set in. No one should be jobless, no matter how rotten their attitude. So I hope they both land on their feet soon. Though I am glad that they will no longer be around her to harangue me. I attribute these sudden fortunate events to Janet Power. That Janet Power is some magical stuff, let me tell you.

1 comment:

bluesleepy said...

Gotta love that Janet power! That's so cool you get an assistant!! That will also make it easier to take your maternity leave when you get pregnant. Now we need to turn our Janet Power to getting preggers... and we'll let your husband help too -- ha ha!