December was...quiet

I only blogged once during the whole month of December. I can't blame it on being too busy or that I didn't have anything to write about. I am just lazy. Therefore, it is official that I am a horrible blogger.

Since I am new to this whole blogging thing, I wonder: do most bloggers blog when they feel like it? Do they schedule their blogging? Do they only blog about something that is blog-worthy?

I'm not really sure what would work best for me. I think I'd rather read what other, cooler people come up with than try and blog myself. Eventually, I'd like this to turn into a journal documenting the lives of my not-yet-born-nor-conceived children. There is only so much you can write about when it comes to owning five pets. Or a Scottish-Gaming husband. Not that I own him. He's just on loan from the 16th century where he would love to be if it weren't for the lack of electricity, running water, or indoor toilets.

I will now attempt to recap my December. I had a surprisingly pleasant dinner with my dad and stepmother, both of whom will never be in contention for "Best Parenting Award". My birthday was wonderful, thanks to my awesome husband. We went to a Falcons game...though I'm not sure the Falcons players were actually present. Centennial Olympic Park was decorated for Christmas, so after the game, D and I played around with my camera a little and I was able to capture some great shots. I am attempting to brush up on my photography skills now that I have a digital camera with a full manual mode and so far it's been a lot of fun. I got a lot of great birthday gifts: a beautiful silver necklace from my in-laws, an awesome sake set from my SIL, a gorgeous green leather purse from D, comfy pj's from my aunt and uncle and their family, flowers and brownies with cream cheese frosting from D, pretty earrings from my friend Emilie, accessories for my Dept. 56 Halloween collection from my mom and other items that were wonderful. I am spoiled rotten, I know.

Christmas was a lot of fun. Mom and my brother were here. We played Guitar Hero and Scategories and drank a lot of tequila. Mom and I went to Stone mountain to check out the Christmas lights. I can't really remember much else and I will totally blame that on all of the tequila!

New Year's Eve, we went to bed before the ball dropped. Because we are THAT EXCITING. And that's a wrap for December. I will have to make it one of my New Year's resolutions to try harder to blog in '08. Though I am making no promises and if I fail this resolution, I plan to place all of the blame on tequila.


Tracy27 said...

You can never go wrong placing the blame on tequila.

I think the lack of hygiene is exactly the reason I wouldn't go back in time. Well, maybe to ancient Rome, but only because they took a lot of baths.

bluesleepy said...

I have been blogging since March 2000. I can't pretend to be good at it; all I know is I have to do it. If I didn't, I would still be typing away, even if I never published it to the net. I just can't NOT write. None of what I write is that spectacular; most of it is just what I do on a day-to-day basis. Or something of it what I think about a certain situation. I go on rants. But it's a personal thing, how much to blog and when to blog and on what subject. Just do what you feel comfortable with!!! Best, Karyl

Tracy27 said...

You know, the one thing I really appreciate about my blog is that it helps me remember when stuff happened (and that stuff happened, which is a boon to my sad, faulty memory). That's reason enough for me to think i want to start keeping up with mine again, even if no one reads it. I hope you do the same!

Chelle said...

Thanks, Tracy and Karyl! I am going to try and get into a routine. I think my personality kind of hinders me. I am such a procrastinator that "I'll post to my blog later" becomes my mantra. Also, I come from a family that does. not. share. so I have that working against me as well.