The craziness that is my life

My little brother, Chris, came for a visit this past weekend and is leaving today. I really enjoy spending time with him and wish he didn't live 37 hours away. While Chris was here, my older brother, Mike, drove down and we all went to dinner with our dad and stepmother. The dinner went really well, all things considered. My father hasn't really been interested in our lives until only just recently. A part of me is glad that he is now trying to establish a relationship with his children, but another part of me would just like to tell him to Eff Off. I mean, why the sudden interest? Were we really that awful as children? He's also really into showering us with expensive gifts and emptying his wallet of cash and giving it to us every time we see him. The situation confuses me, but I try not to give it too much thought.

The best part of dinner was Chris' rendition of his drive from FL in a rental car. Dad has asked him how he got to Atlanta, since he had gone with mom to Florida when she left after Christmas. Chris told him he rented a car and drove up, then preceded to tell a story about how the steering wheel vibrated and pulled to the left. The hand motion he used looked like he was jacking off. Now, my father has a pretty perverted sense of humor, which is probably where the three of us get it from, but he is ubber conservative around my stepmother. The two of them together remind me of the Mr. and Mrs. Focker in "Meet the Parents." So to watch Dad try to keep all somber while Chris was making that hand motion was almost too much. I remember D and I looking at each other with identical facial expression that could only be interpreted as "That.Is.Awesomely.Funny.Don't.Laugh."

In other news, D worked a full ten hour day yesterday and before leaving, was told by the new temp boss that he was scheduled to work overtime in order to "escort" contractors around the airport from 11pm until whenever. This is in addition to having to work a ten hour shift today. When D told me this, my question was "When are you supposed to sleep?" The answer: tonight. This evening I will have the pleasure of being around a guy who has not slept in 36 hours and has worked approximately 27 of those 36. I wouldn't be able to do it, that's for sure. Hopefully, I can make D a nice dinner, then persuade him to go straight to bed.

1 comment:

bluesleepy said...

Ouch. That sucks. Usually I'm not around when Kurt has to pull crazy shifts like that, since he's out to sea when it happens. But the night he was promoted, he had to stay up all night the night before. I think he was without sleep for like 36 hours, and it wasn't fun. But fortunately he didn't have to get back up and work.