Photo Meme

A photo meme of my life, inspired by Bluesleepy. Because I want to be cool like Karyl!

The rule was do an image search on Google using the answers to each of the following questions, and then post one of the search results after your answer. Here's mine:

1. My first car: 1994 Toyota Tercel

(Though mine was missing its passenger's side view mirror and was a pretty sea-green!)

2. Where I grew up: Fort Walton Beach, Florida

God, I miss this place.

3. Where I live now: Atlanta, Georgia

4. My first name: Chelle

That would be sooo tasty right about now.

5. My grandma’s first name: June

June Lockhart=so pretty.

6. My favorite food: Sashimi


7. My favorite drink: Ice water with lemon

Boring, I know.

8. My favorite song: "Mandolin Rain," by Bruce Hornsby and the Range

I want this song played at my funeral someday. Yes, I am morbidly weird.

9. My favorite smell: the salty smell of the ocean


10. My favorite pair of shoes: flip-flops

Wish I was wearing them right now.

11. My first pet: Katie, the cat


12. My favorite color: Blue, unless I am wearing it, then Black

This pic is...strange.

13. My least favorite smell: Rotten anything

Ha! Completely unrelated...or is it?

14. My biggest fear: Helplessness

I think this is how Dave pictures our marriage in his mind!

15. My favorite hobby: Reading!



bluesleepy said...

YAY! I love your answers!! I love sashimi and ice water with lemon too. I just can't do lemon in my iced tea. Thanks for playing along!

Guru da Montanha said...

Don't bother so much; go with your hubby to the beach every month at least, this will keep you ok! Hope the best, hugs,