The perfect day for lazy

It is raining today and it would be the perfect day to be lazy. Except that it is Friday. And I am at work. I have caught up on everything I had to do and I may just take a break and play on the internetz for the rest of the day. I wish I could read my book at my desk, but I think that would be a little too obvious.

If it keeps raining, I will not be able to practice riding the bike today. But I think I need a little break from Stella. She is probably mad at me, since I panicked on her yesterday and we ended up on the grass in a neighbor's yard. The grass was covered in just enough pine needles to make it slippery and we fell over. Oops! Stella is fine, but my leg is a little bit hurty today. I have the mother of all bruises and am quite proud of it. I have now gotten the falling out of my system, so things will only get progressively better from here. I think I hurt my pride more than anything, since two cars stopped and people got out and asked if I was okay, which is nice, but also slightly embarrassing. I got mad at Dave when he offered to ride my bike back across the street for me. I am all, "I can do it, DAMMIT!"

We were on our way to Publix for dinner groceries. It was my first real outing. I got scared by all of the traffic and after falling, told Dave to go on without me. I zipped back home, like a poor scolded little puppy with its tail between its legs. I told Dave later that I should have been doing the "Eiw, Eiw, Eiw" dog cry on my way home. I DID manage the driveway bump all by myself and parked Stella in the garage. So progress is being made. I just have to remind myself to take smaller steps, and that sometimes, it is okay to feel like a girl.

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Plans for this weekend include:

- Going out with the girls in the office (there are only 5 of us) for drinks after work.

- Cleaning house tomorrow. I really need to work on putting away the laundry after I fold it. My job is to fold and put away the clean laundry after Dave throws it all on the bed in our guest room, and lately I have been folding it and just leaving it there as our closet / dresser combo. So lazy! But I have a friend that may need the room tomorrow and she would not appreciate us coming in to pick out our clothes while she is still sleeping.

- Going out with a friend who will be celebrating her 26th birthday tomorrow. She wants to go downtown and check out some clubs. Totally not my scene, but I will go to support her and to act as DD / shuttle bus driver.

- Not sure what we are doing Sunday. It is Dave's birthday, so it will be up to him. I am going to make him a cake! Who am I kidding? I am not a baker so I may end up buying one from our wonderful Publix bakery. But I will be driving there in a car, most definitely.

Oh, on a side note: Dave would make a great blogger. After I fell, he came up and said, "I wish I had a camera. I could document this moment and call it Chelle's first a little kid." Um, thanks, honey. I love you too.


Anonymous said...

Dear Chelle- I love you so much. Love, Catie.

Anonymous said...

Oh, you. I hope you're not too sore! Happy (early) birthday to Dave. :)

bluesleepy said...

Ack! I hope your feeling better by now, but I'm glad you've gotten the fall out of the way and that it was relatively minor. I'm so impressed that you even have the courage to ride a motorcycle! Go you!!!

Have a great weekend, and happy birthday to Dave!

Anonymous said...

Too funny -- and I'm totally jealous that you have a bike. Someday... :)

P.S. Linked to you from Mir @ WCS!