I've got this new plan where I exercise everyday during my lunch break and my marketing assistant and new lunch buddy at work has decided to join me. It's been about a week now and we have faithfully walked or gone to the little gym here at work every day. I didn't dare go into detail about this plan until I was sure it would not crash and burn like so many of my other attempts at exercising regularly.
Yesterday, we decided to walk down to a new subdivision that they are building near the office and L had the great idea that we should try and peek inside the half-a-million-dollar houses that were for sale. We were successfully able to enter three out of the four we tried since the back doors (and one window) had been conveniently left unlocked. We were on our third Unofficial Parade of Homes tour when I asked L, who is not a novice at this kind of thing, if she had ever been caught inside one of the houses she was exploring. Of course she had not, so we continued our perusal of the over-priced home. No more than 10 minutes later, I happened to glance out of one of the upper story windows to see a car parked on the driveway. I turned to L and said something like, "Shit There's Someone Here" as I pushed her out of my way in my desperate haste to Get The Hell Out Of There. And of course this was the house in which we had entered through a window.
We got out of the house without getting caught and were in the backyard trying to decide the best place to enter the woods so we could make our Great Escape, when a woman came out onto the second-story deck and asked, in a somewhat huffy voice, "Can I help you?" And I cheerfully answered, "Well, we were trying to decide where we would put a pool back here." Right...like she totally bought that. She just stood there, looking at us like we were a couple of derelicts, so we casually walked through the backyard to the driveway and down to the street. And would you believe the woman got into her car and followed us?! We just continued our walk, but I was a little disappointed to have to cut our tour short. Climbing all of those stairs is great exercise. As is climbing through windows.
I'm not sure what she would have done had she caught us in the house. And I don't think I want to know, since I have never been arrested and definitely don't want to be handcuffed and thrown into the back of a squad car on my lunch break. Though what a story THAT would make.

Yes, please don't get arrested on your lunch break!! You're turning into quite a rebel -- first a motorcycle, and now breaking & entering!! Wow! ;o)
Ack, I'm so sorry to hear that about Kaylee. Does the vet know why she's having seizures?? How scary that must be for you all.
Chelle, you are so awesome.
Chelle, you crack me up. I love sneaking into half-built houses and checking them out, too.
Poor Kaylee! Maybe we should toss a little J-Power her way.
Oh, Chelle. You are brave. I am sending lots of love to Kaylee.
I love looking at houses like that, too.... lol... I've never been busted, though.
I'm so sorry about your sweet dog! How heartbreaking to have to watch. I've been in a similar situation -- my heart goes out to you.
I love looking at houses like that, too.... lol... I've never been busted, though.
I'm so sorry about your sweet dog! How heartbreaking to have to watch. I've been in a similar situation -- my heart goes out to you.
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