Have fuel, will travel

So I'm not sure if you've heard, but Atlanta is running out of gas. Literally. Dave and I didn't do much over the weekend because of the gas crisis. But we were able to completely finish the bedroom renovations and we've moved out of the guest room. I went through all of my clothes and Dave went through a lot of his and we now have four huge trash bags full of donations for the local Goodwill. I am through with keeping clothes that I may someday be able to fit back into or that may come back into style. I am fighting the pack rat gene and so far, I'm winning.

Besides all of the cleaning and organizing I was able to accomplish, this weekend's gas shortage had another positive influence. Twitter's real-time messaging service was elevated to a whole new level when Atlantans started using it to let each other know where to find gas, and even what grades were available, how much the station was charging, and how long one could expect to wait in line at that station. The search tag #atlgas was added to these tweets to make it easier for others in the Metro Atlanta area to find fuel. I think at one time, the #atlgas tag was ranked fourth in the trending topics on Twitter, which at that time, placed it in a position above tweets about the bailout.

Speaking of the bailout, I am ready to hole up in my house and wait for teh storm to be over. The economy is not looking so good and all I can do is hope that our politicians know what they are doing when it comes to this plan to bail out the financial institutions that are failing fast. I also hope that the bailout doesn't allow those responsible for this fiscal mess to walk away scot-free and with millions of dollars of profits in their pockets, especially if the middle class is going to be taxed with providing the 700 billion needed for this bailout. Life can be so unfair sometimes; I hope this isn't one of those times.

But I am going to try and put all of the nation's crises out of my head for the time being, even if I have to play this song over and over in order to accomplish some semblance of inner tranquility. I have a full tank of gas and I'm ready to leave all my troubles behind. Beach vacation with friends, here I come!

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