On Politics and Polyurethane

If I keep blinking at you and looking confused, it's not you. I promise. It's just my brain going numb from either breathing the obnoxious fumes of polyurethane floor coating or reading and/or listening to the obnoxious mudslinging and finger pointing of each of our major political parties.

The good news: The floor is almost finished! It only needs a good sanding and the application of the final coat of polyurethane.

The bad news: If the fumes don't render all living things in my household brain dead, the continuing political coverage probably will. No matter what I do to try and avoid reading or talking about politics, it's pretty much inescapable at this point. I really wish November would hurry on up. I'll be voting for the lesser of two evils, so I could care less about all of the politicking and prefer to just get it over with already.

On that note, Dave came home last night to tell me that UFO's had been spotted over the Atlanta airport. Here's a link to a video recorded by a guy who saw them while at Six Flags with his family.

According to Dave, several FAA employees were talking about the incident and how the crafts were sending communication about a mothership returning on October 15 to collect the human race and redistribute us to a more hospitable environment because the earth had become unstable. (I guess they've also been watching the political coverage and have decided to intervene?) I'm glad the aliens are waiting until after my trip to Florida!

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