If it makes you happy, it can't be that baaa-aaa-ad

I am excited about the next few days and I cannot wait to get out of work so that I may share my great mood with the world. Well, with my world, anyway. Which consists of Dave, three cats and two dogs. Oh, puppies, I have so much to tell you!

Here are 5 things that I am excited about:

1) February is almost over. And you know what that means...it's almost spring, baby!
2) I have two new (used) cds on order and should be holding them in my actual hands early next week. Also, they are shipping to me at work, so Dave does not even have to know! (Unless he reads this...then I'm busted. But still happy!)
3) I am cooking up a plan that is good for me and may even increase my productivity at work. Stay tuned for details.
4) I have discovered Bookmooch. And I have just requested my first two books. (Thanks, Craige, for introducing me to this!)
5) I am planning to get my permit to drive a motorcycle. And I will be negotiating the use of a scooter similar to this bad boy with my Dad, who owns two like this and has mentioned teaching me how to drive one. My commute to work is pretty easy for Atlanta, (I don't have to get on the interstate) but it is still 30 minutes one-way and if gas prices continue to increase the way they are increasing right now, then a scooter or smaller motorcycle may be just the thing.

This weekend, is going to be fun, I just know it. I have a mission from Baby Catie to do something really fun before the week is out and I get bonus points for not spending any money. Catie, mission accepted. I think it's time to go exploring around Atlanta. I may even talk Dave into giving geocaching a try.


bluesleepy said...

Look at you, all bad-ass on a motorcycle! Good for you! And we all know how cute you look decked out in motorcycle gear, so that will be a plus. The gas savings, I'm sort of jealous. But I don't think it would be a good idea to strap Grace's car seat to the back of a scooter. ;o)

Anonymous said...

ok.. so just so you know, i wasn't copying you on the whole "Marco-Polo, Marco-Polo" thing. i honestly hadn't even read your comment when i posted mine. i do find it funny that not only is there another couple out there that does that, but that two people named Chele/Chelle do it! *grin*

Chelle said...

Chele, That IS funny! Do you guys get the strange looks and raised eyebrows also?