I feel loved

I have not been myself this week. For some reason, I have been caught in this web of depression, hating myself, my life, my job and especially hating the area where I live. Atlanta is not an easy place to be because it is a city steeped in hate. This hate has been present for decades and has nothing to do with me, really, but it drags me down because I can feel the aggressive disdain that many of the residents seem to have for one another. At least, this is the case in the part of Atlanta in which I currently reside.

My husband has borne my "funk" like a saint. On Wednesday night, I reached an all time low and I could see how it was beginning to affect him. So I made him a promise. I told him I would make a conscious effort to be more like my usual, upbeat self the next day. And I kept my promise. And things are looking better.

The flowers and Oreos that Dave had waiting for me when I got home certainly helped.

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