It's all good

Happy Easter, everyone! Or Day-After-Easter, as the case may be. It has been a busy weekend and the good news is it isn't over yet. I am taking a mental health day (otherwise known as a sick day off from work when you are feeling perfectly fine) and the day is just full of endless possibilities. I think I'll do a little gardening and let my otherwise indoor cats run around outside for a little while. Dave is also home, so we are going to go register the motorcycles and maybe have a nice lunch together. I love three-day weekends, and I just don't get them anymore with this current job.

So, let me fill you in on everything that has happened in the last few days!

1) I got to leave 40 whole minutes early on Friday so I could get a jump-start on my Easter weekend. Don't I work for a great company?! I came home and immediately practiced on the motorcycle all by myself for about an hour. My confidence has improved greatly and I am finally getting excited about going on an actual ride outside of the safety of my neighborhood.

2) We got up early on Saturday and packed up a bunch of Dave's tools and a wheelbarrow to go help with the Cabbagetown Community Cleanup. We got to the spot where we were supposed to meet-up with the organizers, and it was absolute chaos. There was no parking, so cars were parking along the streets, turning two-ways into one-ways, but the traffic was still coming from both directions. We ended up stuck a couple of times, we parked somewhere we were told we weren't allowed to park, and Dave didn't want to park a distance from the meeting place and walk because he was afraid his tools would get stolen. We kept circling until Dave finally ran over a hole in the road that ended up having screws in it which pierced his rear tire in two locations. At that point, I made the executive decision to abandon our attempt at volunteering, so we could go take care of the tire situation instead. Oh well, we tried!

3) The remainder of Saturday was spent cleaning house. Boring, but necessary. I kicked the cats outside while I swept the floors and at one point, my house was completely empty of all animals. Well, except for Dave.

4) Sunday was Easter and Dave volunteered us for two things. The first was a motorcycle ride to Lake Jackson (thirty miles away!) with my dad and the second was Easter dinner with my dad and his family. The motorcycle ride was going so well! We made it to the lake in about 40 minutes and I really felt like I knew what I was doing. Until the ride back. For some reason, Dad was pushing speed around some of the turns and I ended up dumping the bike...again. But this time, going kinda fast. The good news is I am fine! Not even a bruise, which I find highly disappointing. The bad news is, Stella did not fare as well, and she will now require a new set of handlebars, a new headlight, and a new left rear shock. Also, she is going to require some cosmetic surgery at some point. But not until I know what I am doing. Poor Stella. She is not quite so shiny anymore. She's tough, though. I was able to ride her home, even though she was banged up pretty bad.

(On a side not: my guardian angel should get a bonus this month. She didn't even get the Easter holiday off.)

Dinner at dad's went well, though it is that polite type of chit-chat that is typical of any event that includes my stepmother and stepsister. I feel so different than those two that I really don't ever know what to say. And my dad just sits there, letting them dominate the conversation. He is a lot more fun without them around. I remarked to Dave after dinner, that he would really have made a better big brother than a father. He is not very paternal. He acts like he has something to prove, like a big brother. He was driving too fast around that curve and I guess he didn't realize that stupid me was trying to keep up. He kept saying it was his fault I fell, and I kept saying, "no, it wasn't," but a tiny bit of me thinks that "yes, yes it was" since I had never been out of the neighborhood on a ride before today. I keep having to remind myself that I am Inexperienced. Obviously, I have to remind my dad, as well.

I just had a cat (Colin) crawl into my lap, so there goes typing. And, it is time to find something to eat.


Anonymous said...

Two things:

1. I am sorry that your bike got hurt. That sucks.

2. I admire you and your willingness to keep trying with the bike. I'm pretty sure that after that first dump- I'd be done.

bluesleepy said...

YAY for mental health days!!

The volunteering sounds like a huge bust, and I'm awfully sorry Dave's tire got punctured.

And I'll second everything Catie said. Really, you amaze me with your bravery and your tenaciousness. Good for you!!!

Chelle said...

Thanks, ya'll. I appreciate the encouragement more than you know.