1 Lap + Lots of Hair = Unconditional Love

One of Colin's favorite things is to jump on my lap and insist on being petted when I am sitting at the computer. Most of the time, it is when I am trying to type something. Today, I was only catching up on reading some blogs and so I could give him a little bit of the attention he was craving.

I love these spontaneous moments. Colin is not a cuddly cat the majority of the time and I guess that's what makes moments like these so special. My camera happened to be on the desk in front of me, so I decided to try and capture the sweetness. I was a little worried about the low light, but the light from the monitor was just enough.

I love the way a little thing like a cat cuddle can completely brighten the day.

Happy Love Thursday.


bluesleepy said...

Now THAT just made my day!!! I love how at the beginning, you start looking back at the computer screen, and Colin's like, "Oh, no, missy -- I need more lovin's!" And then you can hear him purring like a motor! How sweet!

My kitty has lately been laying across my arms as I'm sitting here on the laptop. Then I can hardly type, and she's just purring away. It's so wonderful.

Shalet said...

Aren't kitties great? Happy LT!

Anonymous said...

I love how excited he gets and the purring at the end. Cats are so cozy to have around.

Tracy27 said...

I think my blood pressure dropped 10 points just watching that. It's great when his eyes get all squinty with happiness. You're making me want a cat again. Uh-oh.