
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, so I've been thinking about what I am thankful for in my life. The list could get pretty damn long, so I'll keep it short and sweet. The top five things I am thankful for are:

1) Dave - he gets me. We don't have to work hard at our relationship and I am so thankful for his stability in my life. He's strong without trying to take over or becoming overbearing. He's smart without arrogance. He's patient, way more so than me, and just an overall nice and kind person. I don't know what I'd do without him in my life.

2) My mom - she is ALWAYS there for me and I am grateful for her advice and support even when I want to push her away. She's the strongest woman I know and I am thankful that she is this way because it has made me a strong person. I am thankful that she has been such a great role model that I am not afraid of becoming a mother myself. I am thankful for her friendship and understanding and ability to laugh at herself and find humor in even the worst situations.

3) My pets - they keep me from becoming bitter and cynical about this world we live in. There's nothing more comforting than furry creatures who love you NO MATTER WHAT.

4) My home - I love how comfy and welcoming it is, despite all of the constantly circulating pet hair. And even though I complain about wanting new furniture and new floors and a new roof, I am grateful that I have what I have and hope to never take advantage of the fact that I am blessed with a beautiful home.

5) My friends - Jill: who loves me just as I am and is never afraid to tell it like it is, Loren; who is patient and generous and one-of-a-kind, My 10 cakes flickr group: I am glad I stumbled upon it during a time in my life when I was feeling friendless. Every member of 10 cakes is awesome and I am glad to know them, even if it's only through the world wide web.

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