Dear Abby

I love this! Abby is definitely a woman that I look up to. I think she hits the nail on the head with this particular piece of wisdom...and so many young women of my generation should take her advice to heart. I get tired of hearing about failed relationships because of some fatal flaw in the other person. We are not perfect...not one of us. And that is what makes us interesting and unique individuals. Yet we all need love and companionship in our lives. So instead of focusing on ourselves and our wants, and more prominently what we don't want, maybe we should all take more time to really get to know others before we just discard them as "creeps" or freaks and move on.


By Abigail Van Buren Tue Oct 16, 8:00 PM ET

DEAR ABBY: Call me confident, but I know I am a real catch. But for the life of me, I can't get a date with the "right" kind of guy.

Abby, I am beautiful inside and out. I was raised in a great family with good morals, I'm kind to everyone, I've got a killer personality, great sense of humor, an inspiring attitude, and the glass is always half-full.

This may seem cocky, but my two problems with men are: I seem to attract creeps, and the kind of men I deserve don't think they've got a shot in hell, so they don't ask me out.

Most of the dates and relationships I've had have happened because I asked the other person out. I've been in two major relationships with very attractive, bright men, and I'd like to experience that again.

I'm so sick of meeting creeps! I really want someone in my league. I've been told a thousand times that I'm gorgeous, stunning, or asked why I'm not modeling. Yesterday someone called me Miss America. I'm well-read and in tune with the arts, smart and funny. Where are the male equivalents? -- DATELESS 23-YEAR-OLD

DEAR DATELESS: They died of altitude sickness, trying to climb the pedestal you have placed yourself on. You have described your obvious selling points, but what about the quality of your character? Are you nice to people who don't want anything from you? Are you giving? Sensitive? Can you compromise? Are you interested in other people?

Perfection does not exist in anyone. And the sooner you become less preoccupied with your own perfection, the more likely it is that you'll meet your male "equivalent."

1 comment:

Tracy27 said...

Word to Abby! That was the perfect response.