
I like to capture pictures of my cats with the cell phone, because they are often not cooperative when I try to take a picture with the digital. Here are my favorites:




Man, I love these furry furry faces so much.

Careful, she tends to wander

I have finally gotten a chance to breathe at work, so I have time to update. L has not been feeling well lately - her wisdom teeth are really bothering her - so I've been carrying the department for the past couple of weeks. She gets them out on Saturday, so hopefully things will be back to normal next week.

My little bro had a birthday yesterday, and I forgot to call him. I don't think he'll be upset, but I'm going to call him as soon as I get home tonight. I have written this on my hand in red Sharpie marker so I will not forget again.

And now, a funny story:

When I was very young, I had the bad habit of wandering away from my mom in stores. I was so short, that in order to locate her, I would look for strollers, because she would usually be pushing my brother around while browsing. On more than on occasion, I would latch on to the nearest stroller, eventually looking up to realize that the woman pushing the stroller was not my mom. So off I'd go to find her.

Well, I have not outgrown this bad habit, as I proved while grocery shopping with Dave the other day. He was pushing the cart and picking out green peppers right next to me, while I was browsing the bagged salad choices. My decision being made, I placed the lettuce mixture into the cart. And heard a "Hi," causing me to look up at Dave. Only it wasn't Dave. Or the cart he had been pushing. I made my apologies, grabbed my salad and scurried off to find Dave. Mortifying! I finally located Dave and told him what had happened and he laughed and asked if he needed to hold my hand so I wouldn't get lost or go home with the wrong guy. hahaha. My new tag-line: Keep an eye on that one, she wanders.


We took all five animals to my Mom's house over the 4th of July holiday. I am impressed with how well-behaved everyone was while in the car for over 5 hours. Gavin and Leo were a little impatient with one another a couple of times, and Colin got carsick on the way down to mom's, but that was it for problems. I think it helped that they were all in carriers: three cats in a medium-sized crate and two dogs in their big crate.

I was able to visit with family I have not seen in a while. It's always a little strange because I do not have much in common with the majority of my family. I do not think we would associate with one another if we weren't related. Plus, living so far away and not seeing them often always makes it awkward when we do get together. I am glad I got to see them, though.

We stayed home last weekend and tried to clean house a little bit. We hadn't done much of anything since Dave's parents left, so it was high-time to get our butts in gear. I will be doing the same tonight, since Mom will be here from Florida this weekend. She is flying out to California to visit Chris for a (slightly late) birthday celebration. This will be the first time that Mom has ever visited Chris and I think it will be good for both of them. Although, I really hope he cleans at least a little bit before she gets there.

Well, that's it for an update. Soon I will be sharing info about our garden and whether or not I passed the motorcycle driving test. Wish me luck!