There has been so much excitement around here lately, I'm not sure where to start. So I will make a list:
1) Gavin is better. He tested negative for all sorts of nasty-sounding things and after two enimas, three separate overnight stays at two separate veterinary clinics, and our emptying of our wallets over six hundred dollars, he has finally pooped, has stopped throwing up, and is back to treating us like his royal majesty's personal servants.
2) I went to Savannah over the weekend. Dave went to Huntersville, NC. Both trips were for fun. He was participating in yet another Scottish Highland Athletic Competition and I was ghost hunting, drinking, and soaking up the sunshine. Our lovely, though a bit nosy, across the street neighbors fed the dogs and have offered to do so in the future for our little over-nighters. This is a really good thing when you own two labs that are not easily transported everywhere you would like to go.
3) I have learned that I am not a person who is sensitive to paranormal energy. No spirits tried to communicate with me and I did not get to witness even an unexplained noise or movement. Ghosts, if you want to talk to me, better not be subtle!
4) I miss the ocean! We visited Tybee Island before leaving for home on Sunday and I highly recommend it as a place to visit if you ever want to visit an East Coast beach.
5) Do not ever stay at the Savannah River Inn. It is ghetto. The "lobby" is a desk in what used to be a hotel room. And the person manning said desk is rude. I am happy that Hotwire refunded my money and I was able to stay at a much nicer hotel in the historic district.
6) Sunday evening I was productive! I cleaned litter boxes. I did laundry. I washed dishes. And then I dropped dead from exhaustion.
7) Today is Tuesday and I rode the bike to work today for the first time since purchasing her at the beginning of last month. And just in time, too. Gas prices ain't lookin' so good.
An update
The Right Regrets
Maybe all one can do is hope to end up with the right regrets.
— Arthur Miller
Gavin is back at the vet this morning. But it is a NEW vet, who is already proving to be way more competent than the one I've been taking my animals to for almost three years.
The entire time I've been going to the old vet, I have had this nagging feeling that something didn't feel quite right. I attributed this feeling to moving to Atlanta and finding a vet to replace the awesome one I had back in Florida. I figured I was experiencing growing pains and that I'd get used to the new place and the nagging feelings would disappear. Well, I was wrong and Gavin's case has proved that I should always listen to that little voice that is telling me "something's not right."
Yesterday, Gavin's symptoms had returned with a vengeance, so I decided to take him back to the vet...the old vet...because I figured they had already done a bunch of tests and they were close to the house and on the way to work, etc. I dropped him off and went to work and waited for the vet to call with a new prognosis. When the call came, the first words out of the vet's mouth were, "Gavin's not very happy today. He won't let us touch him so we'll have to sedate him in order to re-examine him." This immediately put me on the defensive because Gavin is usually a very sweet and mellow cat. So if his dander is up, it's for a good reason. I told the vet not to do anything until I consulted with Dave. Then I called another clinic and made Gavin an appointment for later that day.
I took the rest of the day off of work so I could ferry Gavin from the old vet to the new vet. I called the old vet and told them I was picking him up and requested them to fax his records over to the new vet. I was surprised that they did without any argument. Then I picked him up and we spent a lovely two hours at home, calming down from the traumatic experience, before heading to our new appointment.
The new clinic was so much better. It was cleaner. The staff was more professional. The vet and the tech actually took time to let Gavin get to know them, petting him and talking to him before starting the exam. And he was fine; though he was a little bit "argumentative," he didn't try to bite or claw anyone - no sedation required.
The verdict as of right now is that he is constipated. He spent the night so that they could give him an enima and then x-ray him again this morning. I am relieved that it turned out to be something so simple and easily treated. And I am also so angry at the old vet that I could just punch him in the face and I am not an aggressive person at all. I spent two-hundred and sixty dollars last week for them to run all sorts of unnecessary tests that served no purpose in getting him well. I had gotten so worked up over their incompetence, that I felt ill yesterday. They will want to sedate me if I ever step into that office again.
I plan on writing a letter, asking for a refund, especially since I asked the old vet, point blank, if his symptoms could be a result of constipation and he assured me that that couldn't possibly be what was making him throw up. If nothing else, I have at least learned my lesson when it comes to listening to my intuition and trusting my instincts. I was beginning to believe I wouldn't be a good mother someday and that if I couldn't even take care of a cat, how was I ever going to handle kids, blah blah, woe is me. But now I know better.
Baby steps
Thanks for the kind comments on my last post. Gavin is back to normal, with a slightly improved disposition. I think the two days away made him realize just how good he's got it!
Last night, Dave and I took the bikes to dinner. We went to our favorite sushi place that's about 5 miles away from our house. Dave let me lead, and we made it there and back with out any mishaps on my part. And I even had to ride over railroad tracks and a large puddle of water on the road. We definitely weren't traveling as fast as I'm sure Dave would have liked, but he is being patient with me as I take baby steps toward mastering this motorcycle. And I am so happy with the progress I am making! I am no longer apprehensive about the twist throttle or the shifting and can now concentrate a little more on how I should be riding. When to lean and how far when turning. How to sit more comfortably. And soon I may just be able to wave back at the other bikers we pass.
Bikers have a special "wave" that they give other bikers when they pass each other, much like boaters wave at other boaters. When passing another boat, you just give a friendly wave, but on a bike, you are supposed to take whatever hand is closest to the other rider, make the peace sign, and hold you hand down by your side, fingers pointed toward the ground. I have not been able to do this yet, because I usually have a death-grip on the handlebars. But I'll get there, fellow bikers, just give me time.
And the cat came back
So Gavin has been sick. He threw up his dinner on Sunday night and I didn't think anything of it, except, "Well, that's what happens when we eat so fast." Monday morning, he wouldn't touch his food, which is very un-Gavin-like. Then he threw up and there was a little bit of blood in it. So to the vet, he went.
Dave took him, since he's on nights and didn't have to be at work until 2. I went on to work. Now, I like my vet and I love my husband, but I don't think they are the best "team" when it comes to handling a crisis with one of the pets. The vet, oh how he loves to jump to conclusions, or present you with the worst possible scenario. Combined with Dave's ability to dramatize, and they both were sure that Gavin was dying from Feline Leukemia.
After I had calmed Dave down, I decided to take over the coordination of Gavin's treatment, so I called the vet. And explained how Gavin is an inside cat and that there is no way he could have contracted leukemia. I went ahead and authorized the tests, and of course, they came back negative. Gavin's blood sugar, enzymes and everything else were also normal. But they wanted to keep him overnight for observation. I went to visit him after work, and though he was a little out of it, he seemed pretty happy to see me.
So yesterday, he was fine. No more throwing up. So they sent him home with an antibiotic and some special canned food that I paid a lot of money for and that he refuses to eat. Though I don't blame him, considering how it smells.
The verdict? They still don't know what was wrong with him. He either ate something that was toxic or had the beginnings of a bacterial infection in his GI tract. He did not want to eat last night, but he finally started picking at his food again this morning, so things are looking up. And now I am questioning whether or not Dave and I are really ready for kids.
Make a difference
Monday and back to work. My weekend was quiet. I didn't do much of anything of Saturday, considering it rained all day and Dave had to work. It was really quite lovely. Sunday L & I went to the Dogwood Festival, which was an entertaining way to spend the day. We perused the artwork, none of which I could afford, and I took a few photos. I did not eat a chocolate dipped banana, unfortunately, though it was tempting.
Once the festival became a little too crowded for comfort, we did a little shopping at the mall and stopped to get a bite and a drink at The Bucket Shop. I love sitting outside to eat. Especially when I am sipping a tasty beverage.
We took MARTA, which is Atlanta's version of a subway, and I am so glad we did because, in addition to saving the environment, we saved ourselves a lot of grief over traffic and parking! And the exercise was just another benefit. On our way back to the station, we passed a beautiful old building that had been transformed into condos and they were having an open house. We stopped in to do a little (legal) ogling. I wanted to move in, but at 850 K it was a little out of my price range.
All-in-all, I had a lovely weekend and I hope you did too!
Foolishly fun
Today is Tuesday, It is also the first day of April and The Day of the Prank. I've never been a big prankster and I'm rarely the one on whom pranks are pulled. I guess I'm not very gullible; or maybe it's that I tend to take a swing at people who try and trick me.
This past weekend was Dave's first Scottish Athletic competition of the year, the Mint Hill Scottish Games. He came in second overall, winning first place in the Caber toss, the 56# weight for height and the 28# weight for distance. I went for moral support and I froze my butt off. I spent a good portion of the time sitting in the car, reading my book, so there are very few pictures. Plus, it rained on and off all day. Here are someone else's pictures if you are interested:
I have decided that I am not going to attend any more of Dave's games, unless, of course, friends and family are present. It really is a very manly sport and there is a great deal of camaraderie between the players and I end up feeling like I am intruding when I try to hang out around Dave. So this will be his "man time" and I will either travel with him and go do my own thing in whatever city we are in, or I will stay home and babysit the pets.
I drove us home Saturday night, through the rain and it was so lovely to be home and in my own bed again. Sunday was a lazy day, until dinner. We met my Dad and his family, and my aunt and her family at our favorite sushi restaurant. Then my aunt et al came over to my house for coffee and to visit a little longer. My cousin is looking at colleges and was here from Jacksonville to tour Georgia Tech, though I am trying to convince her that Florida would be a MUCH better choice.
This week, Dave is on nights, so it will be quiet for me at the house, which is perfect. I've been needing some me time. I left my book at work today, which is a bummer, but maybe I should watch a movie instead. I guess I could always start another one, even though it feels like cheating on the first one.
I'm am currently being stared at by a few pairs of beady eyes. I think the cats are trying to telepathically tell me that it is time to be fed.
Things that make me happy:
* I am switching my company's web hosting to a new company because our current company needs to learn the art of customer service.
* A good friend is sending me a mixed cd and I cannot wait to get it.
* I unexpectedly received pretty magnets in the mail from another friend yesterday and I love them! Totally made my day.
* Text messages from Catiecake.
* New parts for a broken motorcycle were waiting on my front porch today. My mechanic (Dave) should have all repairs completed by this weekend. Yay!
* 10 Cakes